
Monday, 20 April 2009


I love this word. Its dual meaning and purpose bring me endless joy, especially as I flip through the top ten movies currently at the box office (either side of the big blue thing in the middle that we feel content dumping shit into), and realise that I am not content with content.

Maybe it is the mediocre nature of the content that causes me such discontentment, or possibly it is the bubble gum chewing contentment of the intended recipients that causes my folicles to desire death... oh to be a bald old man with grandchildren to belittle....

I love user-generated content as much as the next guy (as let's be honest we are all users, and I am currently in the process of generating, so hey!), the problem is when big business tries to dress itself up and generate some contentment content... just don't...ever... Going to the movies should be an experience - if WE want to watch clips of dogs farting then WE will go to a place where WE filmed it, and WE will be content. However, if YOU choose to parade Zack "I'm-definitely-going-to-get-some-work-done-when-I'm-older" Sing and Dance Man in front of me again I will either: projectile vomits pieces of my small intestine all over the movie theatre OR not bother watching another movie EVER!

You know it is bad when there isn't even a decent movie for your flatmate to download for you...

I say bring back Alfred, God rest his soul, even his decomposed corpse could make me more content... content.


  1. Too true - I am no longer content with the content big business push our way. But alas, millions of people lap it up minute after minute - and big business rolls on...

  2. Bring back the drug fuelled maniacs of the 60s/70s...
